Sabato 21 Luglio alle ore 21:00 nel giardino del CS Pilastro apriamo l'Anguriara de la Sierra con un doppio concerto folk. Marco Degli Espositi, in arte "Art of wind" affiancherà il grande Bob Corn che non ha bisogno di presentazioni.
Bob Corn si descrive così:
ciao, hello... it's tiziano sgarbi... tizio... bob corn .
i live in a little village in northern italy's countryside , where i've born on november the fifth ninteensixtyeight and where i passed all my life till now.. it's since nine years than i am involved in the rock music scene, doing different things: organizing shows and festivals, booking tours, driving bands around, running a little label. trying to do these things in a real d.i.y way... music and people in the first row... on this website you can find what i-we are doing and part of what i-we did in the past.. . after some personal things happened, i started to make my own music, writing songs and performing shows, calling my self "bob corn". it was the end of twothousandone... it was something that i had to do. necessary.. . it was even a joke. a serious joke.. . now it's me : i play simple music lines with an acoustic guitar and sing words about people and love... i like to call my music "sad punk"... in these years i put out two records and played many many gigs all around italy and some shows out of this country, sharing the stage with unknown bands as i am or with my favourite artists (mike watt, calvin johnson, explosions in the sky, karate, sodastream, xiu-xiu, sj esau... many more... yes, i am lucky !). and... i'd like to do it again and again.. . i mean other songs, other records, other shows, other people...
Art of wind invece:
suono la chitarra acustica e canto..da solo..
da solo perchè non ho trovato mai nessuno con cui fare ciò che mi piace..
e quando ci provavo agli altri non piaceva..
e l'idea del gruppo troppe volte fallisce..
..e allora ho imparato a suonare la chitarra..arrangiandomi..
tutte le canzoni le scrivo di sera o di notte meglio..
parlano di ciò che faccio e non faccio,
di casa mia e di case degli altri..sottovoce..sempre
e ho anche appena registrato un disco, si chiama
"the boy, the wolf and the old riverland trees"..
1 commento:
Good for people to know.
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